Monday, June 14, 2021

Painting Pop Up #14

 Painting #14

(I love the number 14)

16x20 Matted
Acrylic on paper
$25.00 + Shipping

I tried another landscape style but, a beach/water theme. The beach is my happy place. Can you have more than one happy place? I feel that when I have other favorites I'm not being fair to the beach. Let's say yes, no bad feelings; my next happy places would at a concert, a Blackhawks game and anything fitness related, yoga, swimming pool, rowing on the North Branch, bike riding. Fitness makes me feel free. Going back to the beach, my happy place; be on or in water. Many, many of paintings give off a water feeling; well at least that is how I feel once the painting is done and I always think I must be longing for the beach, for floating, for the sensation of the water around my body, my body moving through water. It's peace and freedom.

"Middle Of The Ocean"
$1200.00 + Shipping
Acrylic on canvas
50% of sale goes to BlueMind Fund
for ocean conservation.

Take a peek at my
Water Logged Collection available for sale.

Where is your happy place?

Come back tomorrow for painting #15

Thank you!