Tuesday, February 14, 2012


This is more of a rant and maybe and ocd issue.  Color is everything to a painter.  Color is what catches your eye, it can capture an emotion and it can sway your mood.  My favorite color is red.  I love red shoes and red nail polish, red paper and red-heads just to name a few.  To me red means love and passion & power. The majority of my paintings are in primary colors.  I like the effect bright color has on people.  Here a few images of color used in exciting ways.

Now back to my rant…I am a mediocre athlete, but I still have the some of the quirks that professional athletes have such as superstitions and routines that cannot be broken.  Even Sweetness had to drive the exact same route to Solider Field on game day. So what does this have to do with color? 
I have had the same color running shoes (blue & white) since I was in 3rd grade and I cannot break that quirk.  I like that blue makes me feel calm, confident, at peace. I hate to give up my workouts and when the shoe shop orders my shoes in the wrong color (pink) it’s frustrating.  I loathe pink to me it’s for sissies and 3 year old girls with ruffled bobby socks. I stood on the corner lost not knowing what (here is the ocd part) direction to go, because I had no running shoes and could not work out. My night derailed it took me three buses to get home when it would have only taken one. Seeing the wrong color killed my night.

Today is Valentine’s Day and to me it’s a red day; red roses, red heart shaped candy boxes, red lollipops and love and sweets are everywhere.  I gave away 100 valentines to strangers today.  Each Valentine had a picture of one of my paintings. Everyone seemed happy to get a Valentine.  I was invited to an anti Valentine party, but I like Valentine’s Day no matter what, because it represents love and who doesn’t like feeling love?