When I moved out of Oktober Studio in Logan Square who knew it was going to take so long to find a new home. After a short stay in Old Town I now have begun my life again; my art life, but this time in Edison Park. I've started to paint again. In Old Town I could not paint (perhaps a little creative block) and I did sketching and photography and a second summer dress project. I am still looking and hoping to find my final destination for Oktober Studio II. Real Estate is expensive and when you have always been poor it's a long path to get what you want. I am holding out for a place I don't have to move from. I place with enough space and not too much rehab...so the saving continues. After being outbid on one place and a rejected offer on another. I lost faith, no hope, but Edison Park has renewed me. The neighborhood is wonderful. It reminds me of where I grew up the greatest place in the world, Dolton, Illinois. Edison Park has the same vibe and wondering around, jogging, riding the bus I have discovered how much I do not want to leave this neighborhood. I hope I find Oktober Studio II here. It was always on my list of neighborhoods to buy in, but now that I am living here,each day I pray to find my home here. Here is my first painting at this residence.
I am having an Edison Park Welcome Sale for 60631 Residents
$25 Off Selected Paintings
Expires 9/10/2015
Contact oktoberstudio@hotmail.com to schedule a studio visit.