Thursday, August 1, 2024

Indigo Indigo

 Hi. Happy August.

I  am excited to share my new collection.

"Indigo Indigo"
Acrylic on canvas
$400.oo Each + shipping
US Shipping only

"Singing All Night"

"Deep Rooted"


"Love Is Heavy"

"We Were Bursting With Laughter"

"We Left In The Middle Of The Night"

For this collection I painted with many shades of blue and purple to capture the color indigo. I also used black and Payne's Gray too. but with this blue case study Phthalo Blue is still my favorite shade of blue. I also painted mostly with a dry brush for optimal paint blending.

If you are following along my creative journey you might have noticed I go to many concerts and music is a muse. The painting "Singing All Night" is that feeling of being with people singing; at concert, in a car or at a party, etc. When the music moves you to dance and to belt out the songs together. I would consider that pure happiness.

You can purchase these paintings directly from me. Email me for purchase details:

Thank you so much for your support.   
I appreciate all the shares and follows.
I would be most grateful if you also; please share this collection with loved ones.


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Save The Date


Here are my next events.
I hope to see you there!

Paint with me!

Bring A Friend!

Hey Pumpkin!

Can't wait to meet you at these events!
Please share my blog with loved ones.
I really appreciate all the support!


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Primary Colors

Happy to share my painting "StarBurst" has been selected as part of the 2024 Primary Colors Exhibit with Light Space Time Gallery.

Acrylic on canvas
US Shipping only

Click here to see the exhibit.  Please email me for purchase details. Thank you so much for your shares, and continuing to follow my creative journey.



Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Spring 2024

Hello... Here is a quick quilt of what's been happening on my creative journey. I appreciate that you keep following me even though sometimes I fall off the grid.


Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Happy New Year. Can you believe we are already a month into 2024. 

What have I been up to since my last blog? I sold a few mini pumpkins, reindeer and poinsettias paintings for the holidays. I went to a couple concerts. I had a mini mini cross stitch lesson. Of course a few Blackhawk games...GO HAWKS!


Back in September I started a small collection of 10x10s. The painting was quick I painted all six pieces in one day. However, after, I sat with  these paintings a long time. Now I am ready to share these new paintings. They are acrylic on canvas and $50.oo each. 

These paintings are all about time; time passing,  the moments we keep in our memories, the energy of that moment.  The color story is a gentle pink with bright glowing India yellow and hot pink giving that extra pop.

Presenting to you first. 








To purchase please email me: 

Thank you for your constant support. I would be grateful if you share my blog with your people. 

Talk to you again soon!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023



This is quick update to share my newest painting collection. When I first started painting mini 4x4s. I only did hearts and pumpkins.  I felt that Christmas was not my holiday. Friends asked me about holiday paintings but I didn't do anything.  A business associate asked me about holiday paintings and I was hesitant, but I gave it a shot with mini reindeer. I really love reindeer, so paint what you love, right!  Then I painted a mini green poinsettia for myself as a test. I left it up in my place not really thinking about holiday work anymore. Then for my 100 Day Project I painted a poinsettia. I felt it came out beautiful, but still Christmas was not my holiday. My friend came by and bought some paintings and fell in love with the poinsettia from the 100 Day Project and I showed her my mini green poinsettia painting and that I had been unsure about Christmas work. At first I felt my reindeer didn't come out good. I was convinced they looked like a dogs wearing antlers. Even though I shared my reindeer with friends and the public I was not feeling solid about it all... could this be imposter syndrome? My friend bought the 100 Day Project poinsettia and encouraged me to paint mini poinsettias. So I did; two collections. The first are mini 4x4 paintings. They came out great and I practically sold out of the small batch I made.  There are only six left for sale. You can grab one at Co Op California Boutique in Edison Park.  My reindeers also began selling and my fears began to deplete. So maybe Christmas is becoming my holiday.   This all brings me to my next poinsettia collection. I am thrilled with these gorgeous red and green florals with wonderful texture. There are only six, 10x10, acrylic on canvas paintings. Hurry to grab one for you and a loved one.

You can email me directly too with poinsettia in the subject for purchase details:


Thursday, August 3, 2023



You have heard of the saying "Creatives/Artists need to sit around and do nothing" something like that. I have to say that it is not my favorite. I feel that it should be "Creatives/Artists need to live."

I do my best work from going out and living life. I need my friends, need to laugh, need to be active and then take all that energy, take all the moments and feelings to the canvas.

I thought I would share 4 experiences that fuel me.

1. Concerts
I love live music. The energy, the liveliness of the audience. Everyone singing together. We are all there to dance and belt it out and that togetherness is contagious ... frisson. Here are a couple musicians I am recommending to see that will get you off your feet. 

Trombone Shorty
Cold War Kids

2. Fitness
I am obsessed with working out, but "running makes me feel free." (Mizuno pay me for that quote!) You don't need anything to run. Just your feet and you go; slow or fast. You move, you loosen up and that knowing you can "GO" is the free feeling. Biking makes me feel swift, like I am the wind. Yoga makes me feel peace. Deep, slow breathing and stretching that opens my muscles, my joints, my body. I feel a release and then serenity.  Swimming makes me feel tranquil; that BlueMind happiness kicks in. The water wraps me up while moving me with the waves.  Walking makes me see. I look at houses, trees, gardens, people and the sky on my walks. I see shapes, sizes and colors. These activities are rousing and bring wellness and good vibes.

I am not a trainer. These are my own workouts. Here are a couple mini bricks to get your blood pumping. Please be careful not to push yourself and work with a trainer for safety and learning experiences.

30 minute run or walk or bike
Yoga: 2 breath holds: Hands together at heart, arms up to extended Mountain > hands open, arms open to mini standing Camel, back to extended Mountain > swan dive hands to floor > half way lift, hands to floor again > jump back to plank > tricep push up to floor > Up Dog > Downward facing dog > Right leg lift > Left leg lift, Right leg lift, Left leg lift > Downward facing dog > Up Dog > Sphinx > Down to belly, left arm stretched out, roll body to left side, back to center > stretch out right arm, roll body to right ride, back to center > legs squeeze together, mini Cobra > belly down > Bow pose > Roll to right side plank, roll to left side plank, center plank, knees down > Cat Cow: 4 reps > up to Toe Sit > down to Saddle pose to Reclining Saddle, up roll to Rabbit > sit legs straight out to Caterpillar > right leg in, left forearm down, right arm stretch over head, left leg in right forearm down, left arm stretch over head > Caterpillar > Butterfly fold over > Half lotus, right side to Square, half Lotus left side Square > Spine Twist right, Spine Twist left, back down, Supine left, Supine right > Happy Baby, extend left, extend right > Wind Removing > Good Morning stretch > Savasana

Swim: 100 Free warm up > 50 Back > 100 Free > 50 Breast > 100 Free > 50 Fly > 100 Free > 50 Frog cool down

Yoga: 2 breath holds: Standing Deep Breathing Pose (
Pranayama) > Half Moon Right, Half Moon Left, Half Moon Backbend, Half Moon Forward Fold Hand to feet> Up to Extended Mountain> Warrior 1 left > Warrior 2 Left > Reverse Warrior > Triangle Left > Extended Mountain > Warrior 1 Right > Warrior 2 Right> Reverse Warrior > Triangle Right > Extended Mountain > Warrior 1 Left > Dragon Left > Half Split Left > Pigeon Left > Seal > Pigeon Right > Half Split Right > Dragon Right > Warrior 1 Right > Up Dog > Downward Dog > Up Dog > Downward Dog > Puppy Pose > Frog > Child Pose > Savasana

3. Flowers
Flowers make you happy; this is true, they are beautiful and smell good. I teach flower workshops. I teach tips about flowers and flower arranging. This experience is therapeutic. What fuels me the most are the colors. Mother Nature is a creative too. Sign up for my next flower workshop.  You may just find your next color pallet or get  inspired to write about beauty or find your next photo subject. 

4. The Beach   
The beach is my happy place.  I have beach ritual. I set up my hair with a leave in hair treatment. I bike to the beach very early in the morning only stopping to pick up a favorite sandwich at the Chicago Bagel Authority. I eat breakfast on the beach and lay out until early afternoon. Then head home for lunch and a shower. A perfect morning. The shades of the water and the sky is a lovely color pallet even on a cloudy day. I collect rocks and at the beach they are interesting shades and shapes and textures. The water is so pulling I cannot jog or bike or walk at the beach because, I constantly stop to take photos of the waves. 

Thank you for letting me share a few of my passions with you.  Please follow me on Instagram to see more day to day of my creative journey.  

Talk to you soon!